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Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

wisata puncak di brastagi medan sumatera utara

Medan tourism Summit that also have no less interesting and beautiful. I.e. the regions of the city, travel Brastagi Medan to Brastagi takes 1.5 hours drive elementary school 2 using private vehicles.

With public transport can be reached in a time of 3 hours, due to travel distance to brastagi Medan city lies approximately 50 miles along the way we can ... enjoy a very beautiful landscape beside the left and right of way we can see the scenery of the garden of tea and tobacco, and illegal activities of everyday life the community of North Sumatra.

Prior to entering Brastagi we will pass kaban ginger, here are a lot of tea plantation acreage and tobacco, many traditional markets around kaban ginger.

The activities of merchants and buyers both deserve to be photographed, and their society was very friendly with the arrival of tourists and travelers who are looking at.

After that we went on a trip to brastagi, here feels increasingly cool and cold water. It's like to want to drop by for coffee dikedai coffee and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Brastagi is a very beautiful area, the area is located in North Sumatra, which has an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level. The water here is very clean and airy, this

 It is surrounded by mountains and forests-forests are very beautiful. Doesn't seem travel for 1.5 hours to be a lot of fun. From the top of the hill we can enjoy the scenery of the Green and can see the volcano sinabung and sibayak.

Sibayak still active volcano until now and has an altitude of 2000 metres, lies the sibayak Brastagi was not far off. 

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