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Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Kesejukan dan Panorama Berastagi

Brastagi Batak Karo Regency is located at on the backs of Barisan mountains, is one of the attractions in North Sumatra that offers cool air and a beautiful panoramic view. Urban tourism the rich agricultural commodities in the form of fruits with, flower and vegetable peelings, is about 50 km from Medan.

However, in order to reach the city, it takes more than an hour, because the road climbs the winding side streets in the form of the abyss and the steep cliffs as well. To that end each kenderaan must run with extra caution.Along the way, there is a Field-Berastagi objects bustling tourist flooded local travelers on holidays.
The object was started from the fruit market in the Stone, the baths at Pancur Sembahe, warm water in Lau Debuk-Tourist Park Sibolangit debuk and adjoining the earths of the national Scout camp.

By Tongkoh at exactly at the Takengon area sharp bend, travelers can enjoy corn on the cob has just plucked from the tree. Here there is a part of the Forest Kingdom (Tahura) Bukit Barisan. This entire area reaches 55.600 ha tahura which is 3rd in Indonesia after tahura Tahura IR. h. Djuanda Kartawidjaja kartawidjaja in Bandung and Tahura Dr. Mohd Hatta in the field. Tahura was established in 1989, which at this location not only includes traditional Karo Batak Toba house, but also, Nias and North Sumatra.

In addition to the berfungsisebagai forest recreation sites, this also serves as tahura means science, education, mentoring generations of young people in order to deepen the love of nature conservation as well as improve hydrologis watersheds.

Berastagi itself offers a range of facilities for a wide circle of travelers ranging from among the Board down to the elite. The facility was a 5-star hotels, budget hotels budget, homestay to the lodging houses.Many large corporations also have a building that classmate with a 5-star. Other facilities include golf courses, swimming pools and horse mounts are dihela their owners on foot.

Other facilities include facilities such as the waterfall Sikulailap nature which is not far from kotaq Berastagi. Then the location of climbing Sibayak and Gunung Sinabung, on sunny days is quite crowded with young people to nature lovers. Not too far from Sinabung is a still Lake Lau Kawar natural and unspoiled by development. The object was last served as a juvenile because of his fondness in the atmosphere is a natural and pollution-free.

wisata puncak di brastagi medan sumatera utara

Medan tourism Summit that also have no less interesting and beautiful. I.e. the regions of the city, travel Brastagi Medan to Brastagi takes 1.5 hours drive elementary school 2 using private vehicles.

With public transport can be reached in a time of 3 hours, due to travel distance to brastagi Medan city lies approximately 50 miles along the way we can ... enjoy a very beautiful landscape beside the left and right of way we can see the scenery of the garden of tea and tobacco, and illegal activities of everyday life the community of North Sumatra.

Prior to entering Brastagi we will pass kaban ginger, here are a lot of tea plantation acreage and tobacco, many traditional markets around kaban ginger.

The activities of merchants and buyers both deserve to be photographed, and their society was very friendly with the arrival of tourists and travelers who are looking at.

After that we went on a trip to brastagi, here feels increasingly cool and cold water. It's like to want to drop by for coffee dikedai coffee and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.

Brastagi is a very beautiful area, the area is located in North Sumatra, which has an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level. The water here is very clean and airy, this

 It is surrounded by mountains and forests-forests are very beautiful. Doesn't seem travel for 1.5 hours to be a lot of fun. From the top of the hill we can enjoy the scenery of the Green and can see the volcano sinabung and sibayak.

Sibayak still active volcano until now and has an altitude of 2000 metres, lies the sibayak Brastagi was not far off. 

Monthly Holidays and Celebrations

Hmm, indeed life might have been conditioned to work activities and it demands a recreation, relaxation and rest given to eliminate all day away kepenatan yg may have piled inside when we beraktifitas (work, college or school)

I actually get to hell every day we make as a holiday, but since the other terms of work activities and finally we can only schedule a vacation in certain areas including bulan2 in May. Just sharing info aja, who knows you would reply more passion for vacation so soon after read some undeliverable exotic places to vacation.

Belitung Island
Who is not familiar with Laskar Pelangi? a novel work of Andrea Hirata, who was named to the big screen presents the beauty of the story the island of belitung. Belitung is popular with tourist emang its beautiful beaches and exotic, one beach Desanto. The beach is located in district sijuk core, about 20 minutes away using a motor vehicle from Tanjungpandan, capital of Belitung.

Karimun Jawa
You never heard of the island of Karimun Jawa? The island is located in the middle of the Java Sea charm beauty store. The Karimun Jawa's 27 Islands. Five of which are uninhabited. It is a very attractive tourist locations to visit. One of which we visited was the location of the captive sharks and turtles.

Gili Trawangan
Originated from the desire to tread the Rinjani volcano, Lombok Utara to the captivating charm of Lake Segara Anak and hopes to snorkeling, island hopping, diving, windsurfing, cycling around the island or just enjoying all the beauty, because in every corner of presenting different shades.

Hermit Island
Want to vacation on the island of white sand and convenient? Hermit island might be an option. The island is located south of Ujungkulon, Banten. It presents an interesting stuff for the holidays we are perfect for honeymoon, holiday with family or outing.Coral reefs and a variety of fish species inhabit the island were amazing.

Simalem Park
Medan ... from brastagi until samosir. Now there's a new place again in North Sumatra on the Park simalem resort, kira2 from medan city 4 hours. place nice beautiful and unforgettable. don't forget to stop over there, and from there passes through the Park berastagi evident beauty of Lake toba. Simalem Garden Resort is a one of the newest attractions & grandest in the province of North Sumatra.

Keindahan Alam Sumatera Utara

Sumatra utara memiliki begitu banyak tempat yang sangat indah yang sayang kalau tidak di kunjungi, makanya saya mau kasih sedikit info tentang keindahan alam Sumatra utara (walaupun motivasi awalnya karna saya mau promosiin daerah asal saya itu, hihihi ihikhik).
mungkin tempat2 wisata yang akan saya posting kali ini hanya sebagian kecil dari tempat2 wisata yang ada di Sumatra utara, dan mungkin juga udah familiar di telinga kita, namun ga ada salah nya kan saya ulas kembali, siapa tau ada yang tambah tertarik berkunjung senyum
saya akan kasih info daerah2 tempat wisata mulai dari kecamatan Sibolangit sampai kabupaten Dairi.
Daripada banyak basa basi lagi stop mending kita langsung liat aja ni satu per satu, cekidot..menari

1. Sungai Sembahe
Sungai Sembahe Sibolangit adalah wisata tempat pemandian yang sering dikunjugi oleh para wisata lokal. Air sungai Sibolangit ini mengalir diantara bebatuan besar yang ada di sungai. Selain air sungainya yang dingin, suasana di sungai sembahe ini juga sangat nyaman dan udaranya begitu sejuk dan dingin ditempat tersebut pengunjung juga bisa menikmati makanan hangat yang dijual di tempat itu. Untuk bisa masuk ke tempat wisata ini, cukup membayar Rp.8000 saja, tempat nya juga mudah ditemui dan banyak transportasi umum dari medan yang melewati tempat tersebut.

2. Greenhill City

Green Hill City dan Hill Park dibangun di atas lahan seluas 110 hektar, di dalamnya terdapat Hill Park yang khusus untuk sarana hiburan keluarga seluas 20 hektar. Lokasi tepatnya di Desa Sukamakmur, Kecamatan Sibolangit, Kabupaten Deliserdang persis di tepi jalan lintas Medan-Berastagi, Tanah Karo. Semua fasilitas mulai dari theme park menyediakan herritage, toon town dan lost city. Herritage terdiri dari camelot castle, merry go round, bumper car, bumper boat dan amphi theater. Toon town terdiri dari convoy car, magic phone, red baron, tic-tac wheel, mini train, family swinger, three house, petting zoo, battery bike dan mini scooter. Sedangkan lost city menyediakan tele combat, jet coaster dan ferris wheel. Dan permainan paling mendebarkan roller coaster dan flume ride juga tersedia.

3.Air Terjun 2 Warna

Air terjun 2 warna terletak di Desa Durin Sirugun, kaki Gunung Sibayak, Sumatera Utara. Dapat ditempuh melalui perjalanan darat, melintasi Bumi Perkemahan Sibolangit. Jarak tempuh dari Medan – Sibolangit sekitar 75km, dan dari Pintu Utama Bumi Perkemahan Sibolangit membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2-3 jam untuk tiba di Air Terjun Dua Warna. Ketika memasuki Bumi Perkemahan Sibolangit di Desa Bandar Baru, anda bisa menyusuri hutan dengan hiking atau jalan kaki santai selama 3 jam, dan untuk menghindari tersesat, ada baiknya Anda harus dibantu oleh pemandu lokal. Mendaftarlah di pos penjagaan dan melapor akan menuju Air Terjun Dua Warna. Air Terjun Dua Warna berketinggian 100 meter, bersumber dari Gunung Sibayak, dan air yang turun dari sungai atas akan tertampung ke sebuah danau kecil. Warna air terjun ini yaitu biru muda dan putih keabu-abuan, karena kandungan phospor dan belerang yang akan menghasilkan warha biru muda. ersiapan yang harus dibawa selama menuju Air Terjun Dua Warna juga harus Anda pikirkan pikir Sepatu untuk hiking, air minum dan baju ganti jika Anda ingin mandi selama di Air Terjun Dua Warna. Tempat ini merupakan salah satu tempat yang paling ingin saya kunjungi, kalau suatu saat ada libur  saya pasti akan menjarah tempat ini.


Bukit Gundaling adalah salah satu obyek wisata di Brastagi, yang berjarak kurang lebih 3 km dari pusat kota Brastagi. Bukit yang memiliki ketinggian 1575 dari permukaan laut, ini sangat nyaman sebagai tempat rekreasi keluarga. Dari atas bukit ini pula kita dapat menikmati panorama gunung berapi Sibayak dan Sinabung
Bukit ini ditumbuhi oleh pohon kayu dan bunga-bungaan yang sudah dikenal sejak jaman penjajahan Belanda yang merupakan tempat rekreasi bagi remaja, keluarga, para Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Nusantara.

5. Taman simalem (pearl of lake toba)

Taman simalem terletak di kawasan Bukit Merek-Sidikalang (disinilah kampung ku, tapi aku belum pernah kesan, cuman nompang lewat doang ) jadi pengen pulang kampung  Objek wisata ini menghadirkan pemandangan Danau Toba dari sudut pandang yang sangat luas. Luas areal kawasan wisata ini mencapai 206 ha dgn lebih dr 25 ha telah ditanami berbagai jenis tanaman. Taman simalem dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas modern dan pilihan rekreasi antara lain wisata alam, agrowisata, lounge-cafe, dan resort/villa yang masih dalam rencana pembangunan. Objek wisata ini akan berprospek tinggi karna didukung fasilitas yang sangat modern dengan objek alam yg spektakulertepuktangan berikut adalah fasilitas yang sudah tersedia dan bisa dinikmati
  • Pangambatan Valley {pusat pembibitan bunga dan gazebo tepi sungai untuk berpiknik}
  • Biwa,Marquisa & Orange Farm {Kebun buah2 an yang ditanam secara alami}
  • Kodon-kodon Cafe {Gazebo dengan pemandangan Danau Toba yg indah}
  • Toba Cafe {layanan cepat saji dengan pemandangan lapangan golf}
  • Karo Agrotourism Farm {pusat penelitian & pengembangan sayuran, buah dan bunga}
  • Tongging Cafe {sajian makanan ringan}
  • Management Office {kantor pengelola dan pusat informasi}
  • Jungle Track & Camping Ground {hutan belantara, air terjun kembar, tempat perkemahan}
  • Helipad{area parkir helikopter} Selamat mencoba senyum
6. Taman Wisata Iman Sidikalang-Dairi

Taman Wisata Iman adalah sebuah wilayah yang didirikan bukan sekadar tempat berwisata, tapi sesuai judulnya, di dalamnya kita menemukan jejak sejarah agama yang diakui di negeri ini. Intinya, bhineka tunggal ika dalam hal beragama terangkum di sana. Lokasinya yang berada di atas tanjakan dikelilingi hutan pinus dan menjadi maskot ibukota Kabupaten Dairi, Sidikalang. Banyak kalangan mengatakan, betapa lokasi TWI Dairi ini sangat spektakuler. Pesan-pesan khusus dari lokasi ini mengisyaratkan, betapa indahnya hidup berdampingan, keragaman agama pada bangsa Indonesia, menjadi kekuatan jika bersatu-padu. Intinya, dengan saling menghormati dan menghargai antar sesamanya merupakan modal dasar terbinanya persatuan dan kesatuan yang kuat dan kukuh. tepuktangan

7. Samosir-Danau Toba

Danau Toba yang mempesona dengan panorama pegunungan mengelilingi dan udara yang sejuk menambah kenikmatan untuk berwisata ke Danau ini. Ditengah Danau Toba terletak Pulau Samosir yang indah dan selalu ramai dikunjungi wisatawan domestik maupun mancanegara. Untuk menuju ke Danau Toba dari medan sekitar 4 jam tiba di Parapat, anda bisa mengikuti tur dengan pilihan paket-paket yang disediakan oleh Biro Perjalanan atau dapat juga mengendarai bus , sewa mobil dari Kota Medan. Di sore hari, pengunjung danau Toba ini bisa menikmati suasana yang hening sambil menikmati pemandangan matahari yang terbenam (pengalaman pribadi ) sengihnampakgigi

Akomodasi berupa Hotel , penginapan banyak
tersedia di Parapat, juga tempat bersantap seperti, Restoran, cafe, dengan memberikan suguhan musik dengan lagu-lagu Batak maupun pop Indonesia dan Barat yang memukau pengunjung. Bagi anda yang senang berbelanja, terdapat juga tempat untuk membeli souvenir seperti baju, tas, topi, dan ulos batak dengan berbagai motif yang bagus2.. dan satu lagi, berenang di danau ini tak kalah seru nya,, pokoknya muaaantab dehmenari

Jadi tunggu apa lagi,, ayo mampir ke Sumatra Utara, dan nikmati keindahan alam nya,, karna masih banyak tempat2 yang bagus2 selain yang udah disebutin di atas.. (ko jadi promosi ya?? haha sengihnampakgigi tapi ga papa deh.. biar pada tau semua..)

Brastagi Objek Wisata Sejuk dengan Panorama Indah

Brastagi Batak Karo Regency is located at on the backs of Barisan mountains, is one of the attractions in the North Sumatra server is offering a cool air and a beautiful panoramic view. Urban tourism the rich agricultural commodities in the form of fruits with, flower and vegetable peelings, is about 50 km from Medan. However, in order to reach the city, it takes more than an hour, because the road climbs the winding side streets in the form of the abyss and the steep cliffs as well. To that end each kenderaan must run with extra caution.

Along the way, there is a Field-Berastagi objects bustling tourist flooded local travelers on holidays. The object was started from the fruit market in the Stone, the baths at Pancur Sembahe, warm water in Lau Debuk-Tourist Park Sibolangit debuk and adjoining the earths of the national Scout camp.

By Tongkoh at exactly at the Takengon area sharp bend, travelers can enjoy corn on the cob has just plucked from the tree. Here there is a part of the Forest Kingdom (Tahura) Bukit Barisan. This entire area reaches 55.600 ha tahura which is 3rd in tahura Indonesia after Tahura IR. h. Djuanda kartawidjaja in Bandung and Tahura Dr. Mohd Hatta in the field. Tahura was established in 1989, which at this location not only includes traditional house Karo Batak Toba, but also, Nias and North Sumatra.

In addition to functioning as the location of recreation forest, this also serves as tahura means science, education, mentoring generations of young people in order to deepen the love of nature conservation as well as improve hydrologis watersheds.

Berastagi itself offers a range of facilities for a wide circle of travelers ranging from among the Board down to the elite. The facility was a 5-star hotels, budget hotels budget, homestay to the lodging houses.Many large corporations also have a building that classmate with a 5-star. Other facilities include golf courses, swimming pools and horse mounts are dihela their owners on foot.

Other facilities include facilities such as natural waterfall "Sikulailap" which is not far from kotaq Berastagi. Then the location of climbing Sibayak and Gunung Sinabung, on sunny days is quite crowded with young people to nature lovers.

Not too far from Sinabung is a still Lake Lau Kawar natural and unspoiled by development. The object was last served as a juvenile because of his fondness in the atmosphere is a natural and pollution-free. 

North Sumatra Tourism

Photo and Text bydrink-king.com

Not only that, the very famous brastagi vegetable and fruit – fruit, fruit that is very famous here is passion fruit. Passion fruit very popular until it overlooks brastagi Indonesia, and many made quintessential syrup.It is dibrastagi if we do not enjoy the fruits of full taste indeed less brastagi, never mind the cold weather and cool so supportive of us to eat more food.

After that we proceed to the tourist spots Tongging, there is a large Waterfall that Grojogan waterfall Piso.The name of the Piso has the meaning of knives, indeed this waterfall surrounded by steep cliffs and in a very deep in the North Sumatra Province, a distance of tana location towards the waterfall is about 24 km from Kabanjahe is approximately and is located around the edge.

The northern part of Lake Toba. Disekiling "waterfalls" and views of the Gorge has a very beautiful high grojogan waterfall, piso about 130 meters. I am very interested to go to the waterfall, due to the distance from the top down this pretty much falls if on foot. Finally I decided to walk down a path toward Grojogan Waterfall, to run the piso turns the corner and this should be very steep take heart. Many footpaths already damaged and not rarely we will have to crawl on the road, and has a hanging belly is strongly advised to wear shoes and drinking water to taste. Luckily every trip more home-cooked that it created to break the walkers legs, so if it's not strong or sudden downpour during the trip we can simply break.

Once basic Grojogan Waterfall Piso, lost a sense of weary us because of the landscape and waterfall views directly is wonderful. Eve is very cool because it radiates grain flakes of water waterfall wet the face of us that makes us linger a love a long resides under, after taking a few pictures we finally continue our journey to the top. At the time of the turning path, because the new feels capeknya feels no path to the waterfall is down. And now we have to climb up to and above.

After coming up with the trouble, we are at the tourist spots Tongging, tongging is located in the North of Lake Toba ditepi grojogan waterfall near piso. It turns out that from here the wonderful scenery of Lake toba, toba Lake is flanked by two mountains over a cliff down down. We were tired here, after taking off with the rugged climb from the bottom of the waterfall grojogan piso. Suppose tired like vanished instantly when we enjoyed the beauty of Lake Toba, Brastagi left a lasting impression for me. One day I will definitely come back again.

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